About us

Big Rapids Public Schools is a district in Mid-Michigan with approximately 2200 students. Our schools consist of:

Big Rapids Public Schools offers a diverse range of academic and extra-curricular opportunities that allow students to achieve success in the areas for which they have a passion. Additionally, our schools offer an array of enrichments including Spanish, art, music, technology, physical education, health, band, and more!

We are so proud of our schools for their dedication to students. We have been recognized at every level with multiple state, national, and local awards.

Our Big Rapids Community is also home to Ferris State University.  We are very proud to say this is a community founded on education, focusing on academic excellence.

Find out why Big Rapids Public Schools is a great place to learn and grow!

Video produced by Ferris State University Media Productions

Our Staff and Students

Video produced by Ferris State University Media Productions

Our Community

Video produced by Ferris State University Media Productions

BRPS Partner: Ferris State

Video produced by Ferris State University Media Productions

BRPS and Partners

Video produced by Ferris State University Media Productions

BRPS Partner: Spectrum

Video produced by Ferris State University Media Productions

What is Community?

Video produced by BRHS Digital Arts Class