Kindergarten Resources

dear parents info

Kindergarten is the beginning of a child's formal education, and it's important that your child have a positive kindergarten experience. 

These resources cover the skills teachers would like children to have when they start kindergarten. They also give you a number of simple things you can do to help your child get ready for kindergarten.

Knowing letters and numbers are important skills, but you will see, there are many other skills that contribute to a successful kindergarten year.

As you help your preschooler prepare for kindergarten, try to make learning fun. Encourage curiosity and imagination, and answer those endless questions.

Children develop at different rates, and there is a wide range of what 'normal' looks like at this age. Schools recognize that children entering kindergarten have different skill levels, and kindergarten teachers are prepared to work with children with a wide variety of skills and learning styles.

Enrollment is open!  

Visit BRPS Central Office to enroll your Kindergarten student.  We are located at 21034 15 Mile Road (in front of the High School) and are open from 7:30am - 4pm on Monday through Friday.  

K Readiness Skills

To enroll your child for the 2024-25 academic year at Big Rapids Public Schools, please visit BRPS Central Office located at 21034 15 Mile Road between the hours of 7:30am and 4:00pm.

Be sure to bring your child's:

  • Immunization records,

  • Child's birth certificate,

  • Parent or guardian's proof of residency.  (Proof of residency can be in the form of a driver's license, utility bill, or any other form that ties the parent or guardian to their stated address.)

Pre-fill your enrollment forms by visiting our enrollment page.   

Call (231) 796-2627 with any questions.