Flyer Distribution
Would you like to share a flyer with our K-5th graders? Follow these steps:
Add the flyer disclaimer (seen below) to your flyers.
Request approval by emailing your flyer to
If approved, you will be notified of how many flyers to print and how they should be bundled so they can be distributed to every classroom.
Bring the flyers to BRPS Central Office: 21034 15 Mile Road, Big Rapids, MI 49307
In order for any Big Rapids Public School to distribute materials from outside agencies to students, the outside agency must attach or include this disclaimer:
This is not a school-sponsored activity and Big Rapids Public Schools does not provide support or endorsement of this program/activity. BRPS has neither reviewed nor approved this program/activity, personnel running the program/activity, or investigated in any way the program/activity described in this brochure/flyer.
You should know that while all school employees must have criminal background checks we have no knowledge of similar requirements of outside agencies.
We give equal opportunities to outside agencies who request permission to distribute materials that offer opportunities to students and/or their parents, but that permission must not be considered a recommendation or endorsement by the school district.
Please call (231) 796-2627 with any questions.